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GTI English 2023
Josephs wins: Gold middleweight sparring, Silver in patterns & Gold for destruction. Also awarded the GTI's Best Black Belt Competitor Awards for both sparring and patterns for 2020-22 season.

GTI English 2022
Joseph on his way to winning Gold in the men's middleweight black belt finals.

GTI English 2022
Joseph sets up for a flying punch in the Black Belt middleweight finals.

GTI English 2022
Joseph wins Bronze for Black Belt Patterns in 3rd Dan & above division

Charity Spar 2017
Master Cockburn at the GTI's 100 x 1 minute rounds of sparring for charity.

Budapest 2016
Tough fight for Joseph in Budapest

Budapest 2016
Joseph Cockburn on his way to winning silver at the European Championships in Budapest.

GTI Team-Budapest 2016
Joseph with the GTI's National Men's Team at the 2016 European Championships in Budapest.

PUMA World Champs. 2015
Joseph on the way to winning the semi-final against GTI team colleague Ben Amogoni at the PUMA World Championships.

Destruction Demo_1
Master Cockburn - Destruction demo, elbow strike.

Destruction Demo_2
Master Cockburn - Destruction demo, side kick

Groundwork Session
Working on groundwork skills

National Squad Training
Joseph at the GTI's National Squad Training session.

Historic - 1996
Photo from Taekwondo & Korean Martial Arts magazine 1996

Historic 1990's
Master Cockburn when a 4th dan with Grand Master Hee Il Cho.

Historic - 1993.
Instructors meeting with Grandmaster Hee Il Cho in Shropshire in 1993, founding year of GTI Association. (Master Cockburn - centre back)

Historic - 1985
First group of students who started training in 1985 with Master Cockburn (when a 2nd dan) in Telford, Shropshire.

Historic - 1980
Training in Leicester when a 1st dan in 1980 with the UKTA, (Master Cockburn, front centre), which was founded by Master Rhee Ki Ha who had first brought Taekwondo to the UK in 1967.
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